Yanfei Wu

S&P 500 Stocks Analysis

August 19, 2017

Analyze historical prices of stocks in S&P 500 index; Calculate and compare stock performance metrics.

Fraud Detection: Learning from Imbalanced Data

June 20, 2017

Different techniques for handling class imbalance are implemented to build fraud detection models using credit card transaction data.

Machine Learning for Employee Retention

April 28, 2017

This post describes a machine learning approach to implementing an effective employee retention program.

Lines from South Park

March 24, 2017

This post presents some analyses on South Park lines.

"Toxic Beauty": Chemicals in Cosmetics

March 15, 2017

This post shows some facts you should know about your beauty products. It focuses on data cleaning and visualization.

Sentiment Analysis: First Presidential Debate 2016

September 30, 2016

The first debate for the 2016 presidential election just took place several days ago. In this post, I showed some results of the sentiment analysis I did using tweets.

Hello World!

August 26, 2016

This is my first blog post! A little about myself and my transition to data science.